Braiding is not just an ART, it’s a CAREER…
YARP founders truly understand that change begins with “YOUth” they are our future… our community. If we don’t provide an avenue for them within our communities some youth will never experience change or to be led by purpose. YARP believes education is very important however; there are individuals who will never go to college but will take a trade to better themselves and their families. And we are an entity that provides just that kind of training, an institute for males/females that has an interest in braiding, natural hair styles, consulting, or marketing. As of January 1, 2011 the law requires that individuals that practice braiding or natural hair styles must have a license. Youth as young as sixteen to adult can enroll in our braiding program. With completion of training individuals will receive a certificate and job placement, once they have completed their apprenticeship training they can began a great and rewarding career.